What happens to my consent to marketing?

Consent to marketing
In the transition to SpareBank 1 Sogn og Fjordane, the consent you have given to marketing will be passed on along with your customer relationship, with one exception:

What do you have to do?
If you have answered differently to the consent question about using personal information for marketing and sharing personal information internally within the group, you must answer again the first time you log in to a new online and mobile bank. The reason you have to answer again is that these two questions are set up as one question in the new online and mobile bank.

What will be the same? 
You can find your consents in the new online and mobile bank from November 4th. Your consent is voluntary and can be changed at any time. You do this under settings - about me - privacy. Remember that by giving consent to marketing we can understand what you need and give you useful information digitally. If you have any questions, please contact us either on 578 29700 or send an e-mail to post@ssf.no

{ "EMAIL_FIELD_ERROR": "Skriv inn ei gyldig e-postadresse.", "CHECKBOX_ERROR": "", "CHECKBOX_GROUP_ERROR": "Vel minst eit av alternativa", "DROPDOWN_ERROR": "Gjer eit val i nedtrekkslista.", "DATE_TO_FROM_ERROR": "Ugyldig dato (eksempel på gyldig dato 31.12.2016).", "RADIO_ERROR": "Vel eit alternativ.", "POSTAL_CODE_ERROR": "Skriv inn eit gyldig postnummer (4 siffer).", "TEXT_FIELD_ERROR": "Feltet må fyllast ut.", "TEXT_FIELD_CONTENTS_ERROR": "Ugyldig verdi.", "ACCOUNT_FIELD_ERROR": "Skriv inn eit gyldig kontonummer (11 siffer).", "ORGANISATION_FIELD_ERROR": "Skriv inn eit gyldig organisasjonsnummer (9 siffer).", "SSN_ERROR": "Skriv inn eit gyldig fødselsnummer (11 siffer).", "PHONE_ERROR": "Skriv inn eit gyldig telefonnummer (8 siffer).", "MOBILE_PHONE_NO_ERROR": "Skriv inn eit gyldig norsk mobilnummer (8 siffer)", "SEARCH_ALLE": "Alle", "MORE_INFO": "Vis meir informasjon", "RESULT_TYPE_BANK": "Bankkontor", "RESULT_TYPE_ADVISOR": "Rådgjevar", "VIEW_IN_MAP": "Vis i kart", "BEFORE_COUNT_TEXT": "Du har", "AFTER_COUNT_TEXT": "oppgåve som ventar på deg", "AFTER_COUNT_TEXT_PLURAL": "oppgåver som ventar på deg", "MINE_OPPGAVER_LINK_TEXT": "Sjekk mine oppgåver", "MINE_OPPGAVER_CLOSE_TEXT": "Ikkje no", "MINE_OPPGAVER_COUNT_TEXT": "ei", "FORM_ERROR_LABEL":"Feil i skjema ", "FORM_SUCCESS_LABEL":"Takk for din førespurnad", "TEXT_FIELD_LENGTH_ERROR":"TEXT_FIELD_LENGTH_ERROR", "TEXTAREA_FIELD_LENGTH_ERROR":"Maks 2000 teikn", "NUMBER_ERROR": "Du kan kun skrive inn tal.", "SEC_BLOCKER_DROPDOWN_DEFAULT": "Vel land", "GLOBAL_SEARCH_NO_RESULT_TEXT": "Ingen treff på", "GLOBAL_SEARCH_FACET_LABEL": "Vis treff for", "MODAL_CLOSE": "Lukk", "SEND_TO_BANK_BEFORE_INFO_TEXT": "Vil du kome rett til", "SEND_TO_BANK_AFTER_INFO_TEXT": "neste gong?", "SEND_TO_BANK_NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT": "Ja, hugs banken min", "SEND_TO_BANK_CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT": "Nei, ikkje no", "SEND_TO_BANK_NEXT_DISCLAMER_TEXT": "For at du skal sleppe å velje bank kvar gong, bruker vi funksjonelle informasjonskapslar som lagrar korleis du bruker nettsidene og kva innstillingar du har gjort." }