Group Executive Management

Benedicte Schilbred Fasmer

Chief Executive Officer

Benedicte Schilbred Fasmer (1965) has been CEO since 2021. She has more than 30 years of experience from the financial sector, industry and shipping. Previous experience includes being Head of Corporate Banking in DNB, Head of Corporate Market in Fremtind Insurance and group executive for the Capital Markets Division in Sparebanken Vest. She holds an MSc in Economics and Business Administration from the Norwegian School of Economics.

Fasmer also has more than 20 years of board experience as non-executive director in listed and unlisted companies within several industries as well as government owned businesses.

Board appointments: Chair of the board of Fremtind Forsikring AS.
Deputy head of the boards of SpareBank 1 Gruppen AS and SpareBank 1 Utvikling DA. Member of the boards of Finans Norge and Farvatn AS.

Number of shares in SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA: 26,487 as at 16.05.2024 (including any shares held by closely related parties).

Benedicte Schilbred Fasmer

Inge Reinertsen

Chief Financial Officer

Reinertsen (1971) became CFO in February 2010. He has an MBA from the Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen. Reinertsen has experience from various management positions in the SpareBank 1 SR-Bank Group and has worked for the group since 2001.

Board appointments: Chair of the boards of BN Bank ASA, Odin Forvaltning AS, and SR-Boligkreditt AS. Deputy head of the board of SpareBank 1 Markets AS. Member of the boards of SpareBank 1 Pensjonskasse and Finstart Nordic AS. Substitute member of the boards of SpareBank 1 Utvikling DA and SpareBank 1 Gruppen AS.

Number of shares in SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA: 104,422 as at 16.05.2024 (including any shares held by closely related parties).

Roger Lund Antonesen

Executive Vice President Retail Market

Antonesen (1975) became the EVP Retail Market in December 2021.

He has more than 20 years of management experience and 15 years of experience from the financial services industry. Antonesen joined us from his position as divisional director in DNB for SME, regionally and nationally.

He holds an Executive Master’s in Strategic Management from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) and an Executive Master’s in Technology Management from the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTNU)/MIT. 

Board appointments: Chair of the board of EiendomsMegler 1 SR-Eiendom AS. Member of the board of Finstart Nordic AS.

Number of shares in SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA: 5,950 as at 16.05.2024 (including any shares held by closely related parties).

Tore Medhus

Executive Vice President, Corporate Market

Medhus (1965) became EVP, Corporate Market in September 2000. He holds a Master of Business and Marketing from Oslo Business School/BI. He has previous experience from Elcon Finans, Forenede Credit Finans and Telenor. Medhus has worked for SpareBank 1 SR-Bank since 1994.

Board appointments: Chair of the board of SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ForretningsPartner AS. Deputy head of the board of SpareBank 1 Factoring AS. Member of the board of SpareBank 1 Markets AS.

Number of shares in SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA: 66,958 as at 16.05.2024 (including any shares held by closely related parties).

Marianne Bakke

Executive Vice President SME

Bakke (1976) took up her post as Executive Vice President SME in September 2021. She was educated at the University of Stavanger/University of the West of Scotland: Business and Economics/MSc International Marketing (1995-2000).

Bakke has previous experience from a private equity company, HitecVision. She joined SpareBank 1 SR-Bank in 2005 as an adviser for corporate customers. Since then she has held managerial posts in leasing and SME.

Board appointments: Member of the boards of Tveit Regnskap AS, SpareBank 1 Bank og Regnskap AS, SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ForretningsPartner AS, Validé Invest I AS, and SpareBank 1 Mobilitet Holding AS. 

Number of shares in SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA: 6,163 as at 16.05.2024 (including any shares held by closely related parties).

Frode Bø

Executive Vice President, Risk Management

Bø (1968) became EVP, Risk Management in January 2006. He holds a Bachelor of Management and has also completed a master’s degree programme in operational auditing and risk management at BI Norwegian Business School.

Bø’s previous experience includes working at Kværner and Mobil Exploration Norway. Up to 2016, he was also a lecturer in the Department of Industrial Economics, Risk Management and Planning at the University of Stavanger. He has worked for SpareBank 1 SR-Bank since 2001.

Number of shares in SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA: 19,017 as at 16.05.2024 (including any shares held by closely related parties).

Signe Helliesen

Excecutive Vice President Compliance

Helliesen (1976) assumed her position as EVP, Compliance in January 2019. Helliesen has a MBA from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen and an Executive Master’s Programme in Technology and Innovation of Finance, Fintech. Helliesen has experience from Ernst & Young (EY). She has worked for SpareBank 1 SR-Bank since 2008.

Board appointments: Chair of the board of Stiftelsen G9alt Talentutvikling. Member of the boards of Folkeinvest AS and Finstart Nordic AS.

Number of shares in SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA: 2,104 as at 16.05.2024 (including any shares held by closely related parties).

Ella Skjørestad

Executive Vice President, Customer Services and Marketing

Skjørestad (1980) took up her post as Executive VP Customer Services and Marketing in February 2018. She holds a master’s degree in Comparative Politics from the University of Bergen (1999-2005). She has previously worked for Storebrand within P&C insurance and as head of digital sales at Storebrand Direkte. She joined SpareBank 1 SR-Bank in June 2010 as head of marketing in the retail banking market Since then she has held positions such as marketing director and director of customer services PM.

Board appointments: Member of the boards of SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ForretningsPartner AS, Fremtind Service AS, Finstart Nordic AS and Stiftelsen Grunderacademy. Substitute member of the board of SpareBank 1 Mobilitet Holding AS.

Number of shares in SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA: 14,598 as at 16.05.2024 (including any shares held by closely related parties).

Glenn Sæther

Executive Vice President, Technology Development and Business Processes

Sæther (1966) became Executive Vice President of Technology Development and Business Processes in February 2009. He graduated in economics and business administration from BI Norwegian Business School and has previous experience from Sandnes Municipality, Webcenter Unique ASA, and Helse Vest RHF. He has worked for SpareBank 1 SR-Bank since 2005.

Board appointments: Chair of the boards of Nordic Edge AS and Finstart Nordic AS. Member of the board of FolkeInvest AS.

Number of shares in SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA: 37,278 as at 16.05.2024 (including any shares held by closely related parties).

Nina Moi Edvardsen

Executive Vice President of People, Sustainability and Communications

Edvardsen (1972) has been Executive Vice President of People, Sustainability and Communications since November 2021.

She has extensive and long management experience within marketing and organisational development from the media industry, as well as energy and mobility. Her previous experience includes as Executive Vice President of HR at Møller Mobility Group, Hafslund and Fortum Oyj, where she led the merger between Hafslund Market and Fortum's Customer Solution division.

She also has extensive experience from the media industry from several key management roles in the Schibsted Group, including developing and building up, followed by her role as Executive Vice President of HR and Communications at Schibsted Norway.

Edvardsen also has retail experience from Telenor and SAS. She graduated in international marketing from BI.

Board appointments: Member of the boards of EiendomsMegler 1 SR-Eiendom AS and SpareBank 1 Spleis AS

Number of shares in SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA: 13,746 as at 16.05.2024 (including any shares held by closely related parties).

Jan Friestad

Executive Vice President Corporate Strategy and Projects

Friestad (1966) has worked for SpareBank 1 SR-Bank since 1988 and as a member of the corporate management team since August 2011. After having been responsible for the retail market up to autumn 2021, he took up his position as EVP Corporate Strategy and Projects in October 2021.

He holds a degree in economics and business administration from Stavanger University College (University of Stavanger) and has also taken various Master’s of Management courses in marketing strategy and management at BI Norwegian Business School.

He previously served as a board member of Stavanger Health Trust from 2008-2017.

Board appointments: Chair of the board of SpareBank 1 Forvaltning AS. Member of the boards of i EiendomsMegler 1 SR-Eiendom AS, LOFavør AS, BankID BankAxept AS, BN Bank ASA, SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ForretningsPartner AS, SpareBank 1 Betaling AS, and Vipps AS.

Number of shares in SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA: 57,558 as at 16.05.2024 (including any shares held by closely related parties).

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