
Do you need assistance?

Our digital assistant, Banki, provides immediate answers to your queries. 

Noe gikk galt. Vennligst prøv igjen senere!

Find your IBAN

Payments to or from other countries?

Then you will need your IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and SpareBank 1 Sør-Norge's BIC (Bank Identifier Code or SWIFT address)

Generate IBAN here

Give the Mobile App a try

Our mobile bank gives you access to our most popular online banking service, such as checking your account balance, paying bills, approving eInvoices and transfers between your own accounts.

Download app for iPhone or Android

Renewal of customer information

The Norwegian authorities have asked all banks to update their customer information.

Update your information here

Frequently Asked Questions

1.     Download One Time Password app in App Store or Google Play

You must have a BankID from SpareBank 1 to use the one-time code app.

2.     Enter the codes you receive. You will be sent two codes:

  • 8-digit code by SMS
  • 4-digit code by email

You only have to do this once.  

3. Choose your own 4-digit code. And then you are good to go!

To be able to log in without a BankID, you must show up at your local bank with valid identification and your D number. We will then help you set up the service "Without BankID", so you can log into the online and mobile bank. 

Valid identification to get the service is:

  • Foreign passport
  • Norwegian travel document for refugees
  • Norwegian driver's license
  • Norwegian foreigner's passport
  • National ID card from an EEA country and Schengen approved for travel within Schengen

Residence card is not valid identification. For national EU ID cards, there must have a valid signature.

When you log in to the online or mobile bank, click the option “Choose another method”, and then “For those of you who don't have BankID”.

If you want to transfer money abroad, you can do it safe and quick with online banking or our mobile app. 


How to pay abroad

1. You will need:

2. Go to foreign payment

Visit the overseas payment site, or you can log in to mobile or online banking and use the menu. Select "Payment" and "Pay abroad".

3. Complete the payment

Select an account to pay or create a new recipient.

Enter the amount you want to pay. The currency is pre-selected based on the country you are paying to. If you are going to pay an amount in NOK that is to be transferred to another currency, select NOK, then the currency in which the transfer is to take place.

We recommend that you choose the recipient country's currency. If not, it is wise to choose EUR for countries in Europe and USD for the rest of the world. The payment will then be transferred in the cheapest and fastest manner.

Costs are shared between sender and recipient. We recommend that you share the costs. It is the cheapest solution for you and the person who will receive the money. If
the costs for the payment are not to be shared, but covered entirely by the sender or recipient, select this under "Options".


With their own debit card and the “Spink” app, children can learn to manage their own money. It is safe, practical and gives a good overview of the money they spend.

Included with the card is a current account, a savings account and the Spink app. Banking for children can be ordered from the child's 6th birthday.

You can order the banking package for children here

Sustainability in SpareBank 1 Sør-Norge

Contributing to the transition to a more sustainable business community is integrated in our strategy.

Investor Relations

Do you want financial information, press releases and reports? Please visit our Investor Relations section. 


{ "EMAIL_FIELD_ERROR": "", "CHECKBOX_ERROR": "", "CHECKBOX_GROUP_ERROR": "Choose one of the options", "DROPDOWN_ERROR": "", "DATE_TO_FROM_ERROR": "", "RADIO_ERROR": "", "POSTAL_CODE_ERROR": "", "TEXT_FIELD_ERROR": "", "TEXT_FIELD_CONTENTS_ERROR": "", "ACCOUNT_FIELD_ERROR": "", "ORGANISATION_FIELD_ERROR": "", "SSN_ERROR": "", "PHONE_ERROR": "", "MOBILE_PHONE_NO_ERROR": "Skriv inn et gyldig norsk mobilnummer (8 siffer)", "SEARCH_ALLE": "All", "MORE_INFO": "", "RESULT_TYPE_BANK": "", "RESULT_TYPE_ADVISOR": "", "VIEW_IN_MAP": "View in map", "BEFORE_COUNT_TEXT": "Du har", "AFTER_COUNT_TEXT": "oppgave som venter på deg", "AFTER_COUNT_TEXT_PLURAL": "oppgaver som venter på deg", "MINE_OPPGAVER_LINK_TEXT": "Sjekk mine oppgaver", "MINE_OPPGAVER_CLOSE_TEXT": "Ikke nå", "MINE_OPPGAVER_COUNT_TEXT": "en", "FORM_ERROR_LABEL":"Error", "FORM_SUCCESS_LABEL":"Thank you for your inquiry ", "TEXT_FIELD_LENGTH_ERROR":"TEXT_FIELD_LENGTH_ERROR", "TEXTAREA_FIELD_LENGTH_ERROR":"Max 2000 characters", "NUMBER_ERROR": "Du kan kun skrive inn tall.", "SEC_BLOCKER_DROPDOWN_DEFAULT": "Select country", "GLOBAL_SEARCH_NO_RESULT_TEXT": "No result for", "GLOBAL_SEARCH_FACET_LABEL": "Show results from", "MODAL_CLOSE": "Close", "SEND_TO_BANK_BEFORE_INFO_TEXT": "Would you like to be sent directly to", "SEND_TO_BANK_AFTER_INFO_TEXT": "the next time?", "SEND_TO_BANK_NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT": "Yes", "SEND_TO_BANK_CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT": "Not now", "SEND_TO_BANK_NEXT_DISCLAMER_TEXT": "For at du skal slippe å velge bank hver gang, bruker vi funksjonelle informasjonskapsler som lagrer hvordan du bruker nettsidene og hvilke innstillinger du har gjort." }