Savings and investment

SpareBank 1 Sør-Norge has clear guidelines for responsible ownership. Through our sustainability and climate strategy, we aim to finance sustainable companies that are capable at adapting business to a changing world.

We will only invest in companies that:

  • Treat people in accordance with recognised international standards.
  • Operate prudent management of recyclable natural resources.
  • Operate prudent operation and interaction with all stakeholders when extracting non-recyclable natural resources.
  • In the event of direct/indirect participation within the arms industry, operate within national laws and international norms.
  • Liquidate/scrap/sanitise assets in accordance with recognised international standards.

Funds and share savings account

At SpareBank 1 Sør-Norge you can choose from a number of different funds. In the SpareBank 1 Sør-Norge funds, you can choose from equity, interest or combination funds. Our asset managers invest in companies with a healthy balance sheet and solid business models to give you the opportunity for good returns. 

For all our funds you will find a detailed overview of the industries and companies in which the fund has its biggest investments. In the fund overview you can also see the distributions and consider what works best for you.

Share savings account is an account for those who want to save in stocks and funds, and have everything together in one place. When choosing a fund, we want you to have great freedom. At the same time, it is important for us to offer high quality funds. Therefore, all our funds are checked and approved by us before you, the customer, can review them.

SpareBank 1 Forvaltning

The bank’s management house SpareBank 1 Forvaltning has special competence in portfolio management. The investment philosophy is active, responsible, value orientated and long-term. The monies that SpareBank 1 Forvaltning invests are going into companies with a solid balance sheet, good results and significant profit capacity. In order to optimise our customers’ expected risk-adjusted return, an important part of the process is to assess aspects within the environment, social conditions and corporate governance (ESG). The company therefore has its own guidelines for responsible investments. SpareBank 1 Forvaltning believes that companies that are well-equipped within these factors are better equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow. 

SpareBank 1 Forvaltning always follows the exclusion list of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global, and does not invest in companies that produce weapons that by normal application violate fundamental humanitarian principles. Nor will SpareBank 1 Forvaltning invest in companies that have a significant share of activities in the production of tobacco, pornography or gambling. 

SpareBank 1 Forvaltning is committed to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI).


ODIN Forvaltning is one of Norway’s largest fund managers, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the SpareBank 1 Group, of which SpareBank 1 Sør-Norge owns 19.5 per cent. ODIN invests in companies that create value over time. This requires the companies in which ODIN invests to have a sustainable business model. This means that the companies operate in accordance with the requirements society sets on social and environmental conditions.

Since 2012, ODIN has been committed to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI), and follows the six principles for environment, social conditions and corporate governance (ESG) in its investments.