We use cookies and analysis tools

It is important to us that you should feel secure when you visit our website, and for us to do our best to provide you with what you need. Learn more about how we use cookies and analysis tools.


Web analytics tools and statistics make us better

SpareBank 1’s website makes use of cookies. These are small pieces of data that are stored on your computer or your mobile phone by the browser you are using. A cookie belongs to a particular website and cannot be read by other websites. In addition to cookies, we use pixels and scripts from third parties.

The tools we use to collect information are Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics, and we have agreements that guarantee that users will remain anonymous and that no personally identifiable information is sent or shared. The data collected in Adobe Analytics is stored on servers in the UK and the Netherlands. Where Google Analytics is used, the information on your activity is stored on Google's servers in the United States.

When you are logged in, we may use information from your activities on the website to improve your user experience. The purpose of the information we collect is to:

  • adapt the websites to better suit your needs
  • provide you with better recommendations, products and services
  • contact you if you get stuck

If you have not logged in to our website, we are not able to identify you as an individual, but we do measure any activity on our website in the form of statistics such as:

  • Your activity on our website, such as the pages you visit and how often or for how long you stay there. 
  • Your approximate geographical location using the IP address, which then is made anonymous.
  • Technical information about your browser and your
    operating system.

This will again be passed on to various customer groups so that we can
make better recommendations, and provide you with information and products
tailored to your needs.


The various types of cookies, pixels and scripts we use

Operations and security

These cookies are important for underlying operations and support important functionality.

User customisation and page experience

These cookies are used to support your experience of the site. They allow us to "remember" your previous use and optimise content and solutions.

Marketing and third party cookies

Our cookies are used to measure what you do on our website. The information can be used to build interest and user group profiles, as well as to develop and show you relevant ads.

You may receive marketing messages from us based on pages you have visited (retargeting) thanks to third-party cookies, pixels and scripts. This also enables us to stop showing an ad when you have completed a defined point in a process. These cookies only contain aggregated information and no information that can identify you as a user.

Also see "Customer service, marketing and consents".


Cookie settings

You can delete cookies placed on your PC via your browser if you so wish. However, please note that this may result in some parts of our website not functioning properly. If you block sparebank1.no, you will not be able to log in to the online bank.

You can learn how to check which cookies have been placed on your PC and manage your use of cookies on nettvett.no.

{ "EMAIL_FIELD_ERROR": "Skriv inn en gyldig e-postadresse.", "CHECKBOX_ERROR": "", "CHECKBOX_GROUP_ERROR": "Velg minst et av alternativene", "DROPDOWN_ERROR": "Gjør et valg i nedtrekkslisten.", "DATE_TO_FROM_ERROR": "Ugyldig dato (eksempel på gyldig dato 31.12.2016).", "RADIO_ERROR": "Velg et alternativ.", "POSTAL_CODE_ERROR": "Skriv inn et gyldig postnummer (4 siffer).", "TEXT_FIELD_ERROR": "Feltet må fylles ut.", "TEXT_FIELD_CONTENTS_ERROR": "Ugyldig verdi.", "ACCOUNT_FIELD_ERROR": "Skriv inn et gyldig kontonummer (11 siffer).", "ORGANISATION_FIELD_ERROR": "Skriv inn et gyldig organisasjonsnummer (9 siffer).", "SSN_ERROR": "Skriv inn et gyldig fødselsnummer (11 siffer).", "PHONE_ERROR": "Skriv inn et gyldig telefonnummer (8 siffer).", "MOBILE_PHONE_NO_ERROR": "Skriv inn et gyldig norsk mobilnummer (8 siffer)", "SEARCH_ALLE": "Alle", "MORE_INFO": "Vis mer informasjon", "RESULT_TYPE_BANK": "Bankkontor", "RESULT_TYPE_ADVISOR": "Rådgiver", "VIEW_IN_MAP": "Vis i kart", "BEFORE_COUNT_TEXT": "Du har", "AFTER_COUNT_TEXT": "oppgave som venter på deg", "AFTER_COUNT_TEXT_PLURAL": "oppgaver som venter på deg", "MINE_OPPGAVER_LINK_TEXT": "Sjekk mine oppgaver", "MINE_OPPGAVER_CLOSE_TEXT": "Ikke nå", "MINE_OPPGAVER_COUNT_TEXT": "en", "FORM_ERROR_LABEL":"Feil i skjema ", "FORM_SUCCESS_LABEL":"Takk for din henvendelse", "TEXT_FIELD_LENGTH_ERROR":"TEXT_FIELD_LENGTH_ERROR", "TEXTAREA_FIELD_LENGTH_ERROR":"Maks 2000 tegn", "NUMBER_ERROR": "Du kan kun skrive inn tall.", "SEC_BLOCKER_DROPDOWN_DEFAULT": "Velg land", "GLOBAL_SEARCH_NO_RESULT_TEXT": "Ingen treff på", "GLOBAL_SEARCH_FACET_LABEL": "Vis resultater fra", "MODAL_CLOSE": "Lukk", "SEND_TO_BANK_BEFORE_INFO_TEXT": "Vil du komme rett til", "SEND_TO_BANK_AFTER_INFO_TEXT": "neste gang?", "SEND_TO_BANK_NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT": "Ja, husk banken min", "SEND_TO_BANK_CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT": "Nei, ikke nå", "SEND_TO_BANK_NEXT_DISCLAMER_TEXT": "For at du skal slippe å velge bank hver gang, bruker vi funksjonelle informasjonskapsler som lagrer hvordan du bruker nettsidene og hvilke innstillinger du har gjort." }