Customer service, marketing and consent

We aim to give you the best possible customer follow-up and advice using our knowledge of your customer relationship with us. Here you will find more information about how we do this. 


Customer service and marketing

With the aid of personal data, interest and user group profiles, we adapt communication, advice and offers to be relevant and useful. The information about you is also used in analyses, customer surveys and product and service development.


Digital customer service and marketing channels

Web pages

Our apps

Newsletters, e-mail and customer surveys

Social media


Social media and responsibility for processing

For social media sites, such as our Facebook page, we may share the responsibility for processing with the provider of the social media (limited to the data we have control over or access to). For use by social media of information about you, we encourage you to read their privacy information.

We process information about your activities on our site, including when you visit it, publish content there (e.g. text, images and videos) and respond to our own or other content (e.g. likes and comments), in order to administer the site. The legal basis for our use of information for this purpose is our legitimate interest in making available our content on social media and in communicating with you.  

We also manage aggregated information about visits and activity on our social media pages for statistical and analytical purposes. This is not personal data for us, because we cannot link it to individuals.

We do not store this information ourselves, but we do have access to it as long as we maintain the particular social media site. You can delete information about yourself at any time, e.g. by removing any content or responses you have published. Please note that your information is not deleted simply by you ceasing to follow our site.

Ad purchases 

You can see ads from us on social media and websites when we buy ad slots through various media. The information is encrypted so that personal information security is safeguarded and the information is used only to carry out the placement of the ad.

Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel directs network traffic across SpareBank 1’s web pages and the Facebook interface. The information that we collect is used to provide custom content and to provide relevant ads on Facebook channels. Facebook Pixel collects information about your activity. 

Adform script

This is used to display ads on external web pages such as online newspapers. We use Adform to keep track of which ads to display, count the number of views, clicks etc. This is done on an anonymous basis and cannot be traced back to individuals. The information we collect is used to deliver customised content and to provide relevant ads.

Google AdWords script

We use Google AdWords to keep track of which ads to display, count the number of views, clicks etc. The information we collect is used to deliver customised content and to provide relevant ads.

Appnexus script, programmatic buying

Programmatic advertising is automated buying and selling of online ads through an exchange. The online newspapers puts ad slots (displays) up for sale on the ad exchange, and as an advertiser, we place bids on what we want to pay for. Using the script we can set criteria to be used in the bidding.  A bid criterion might be that you have visited our web site and then VG, which triggers an ad on VG.

Customer Matching Services from Facebook and Google

We can show interest-based ads to you when you use Facebook or Google through the Facebook Custom Audience and Google Customer Match services. Using Facebook Custom Audiences, we can customize our ads based on your behavior on the website. When these services are used, your e-mail address or phone number is linked to what is registered with your user at the social media provider. In this way, we can advertise more relevant than a standard ad. We do not share any of your personal information with Facebook.

Here is an overview where you can make changes. 
Change settings for ads on Facebook
How to opt out of ads on Facebook (will apply to all advertisers)
How to turn off custom ads from Google

See also how you can manage cookies on



In order For SpareBank 1 to provide you with customised advice and offers we must first obtain your consent. The consent we request can be found in online banking and mobile banking under Settings - My consents. You can change your consents at any time.

Without your consent, we can use neutral information about you for customer follow-up and marketing: your name, contact details, date of birth, and the services or products you have signed up for.


Right to opt out

If you do not wish to receive offers from us, you can opt out. Contact Customer Service and we will record your decision to opt out. We will still follow-up your service agreements, as we are obliged to do, even if you have opted out to marketing material.