Online Banking

With online banking you can open bank accounts and order debit cards. To get started you will need BankID. The sign up process is only available in Norwegian.

Blid mann som nettopp har betalt hentekaffe på kafe
Online Banking can be linked to accounting programmes
Monitor accounts from several companies simultaneously
Download the mobile app, which provides you with a mobile overview

Get a better overview

  • Check your balance, simply and easily.
  • Check the movements in and out of your account
  • Gain an overview of your loans, pensions and insurances.
  • Receive notifications when you have payments to approve – eliminating the need to remember them yourself. To receive notifications, you must have Telephone Banking Business.
  • Domestic and international payments
  • Send and receive eFaktura in EHF-format
  • Salary payments based on fixed wage lists from Online Banking or an accounting programme.
  • Overview of all salary payments.
  • Accountants can access receipts and transactions.
  • Easy to access receipts, detailed transaction lists, bank statements and balances on all accounts.
  • Send and retrieve files from the accounting or financial system.
  • Reconcile receipts and payments against the financial system.
  • In Online Banking, you will find several excellent tools to gain an overview and allow you to plan your company's finances.
  • Observe how the company's liquidity has developed over time and get a forecast showing potential future developments.
  • Set up direct debits and choose whether you want to transfer surplus
    funds, top up your account or transfer the whole balance to another account.
  • You also get an overview of the company's deposit rates, how much you have been paid and have to your credit.
  • You may have several users with various limitation levels such as access, registration and approval.
  • Possibility of accessing several companies simultaneously in Online Banking Business.
  • You may give your auditor access to retrieve audit reports.
  • Gain an overview and search for loans, credit and guarantees.
  • Buy and sell funds and shares.
  • Trade foreign currencies
  • Buy other products and services you need, i.e., eFaktura and debt collection.

What is BankID?

BankID is linked to your social security number and is a secure and uncomplicated way of identifying yourself online. You can use BankID when logging on to Online Banking, signing documents online etc.

How to get started with BankID

Identify yourself
To obtain BankID, you must personally meet up at a local bank office and identify yourself with your passport or a Norwegian national ID card.
Download the app
Download the authentication app on your mobile telephone. To use the authentication app, you must have installed BankID from SpareBank 1.
You are ready to go
You are now ready to go. Use BankID to log on to Online Banking, sign documents and agreements, and much more.

Get the Mobile App

Our mobile bank gives you access to our most popular online banking service, including:

  • Checking your account balance
  • Checking account transactions
  • Paying bills
  • Transfers between your own accounts
  • Approving eInvoices

Download app for iPhone or Android.

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