About us

Fourth quarter 2024

  • Pre-tax profit NOK 1,305m (1,496m)
  • Net profit NOK 1,052m (1,247m)
  • Return on equity 14.4% (18.3%)
  • CET1 ratio 18.3% (18.8%)
  • Growth in lending 0.9% (0.9%) and in deposits 2.1% (minus 3.9%)
  • Lending to the bank’s retail customers rose 1.5% in the quarter (0.8%), 0.2 percentage points higher growth than in the third quarter. Lending to the bank’s corporate clients decreased 0.4% (1.0% growth) which was 4.9 percentage points lower growth than in the third quarter
  • Deposits from retail customers rose 1.3% (1.1%), 2.3 percentage points higher growth than in the third quarter. Deposits from corporate clients rose 2.5% (reduction of 10%). This is 3.3 percentage points higher growth than in the third quarter
  • Net result of ownership interests was NOK 227m (90m)
  • Net result of financial instruments (incl. dividends) was NOK 56m (448m)
  • Losses on loans and guarantees: NOK 30m (20m)
  • Earnings per equity certificate (EC): NOK 4.67 (5.62).
  • Book value per EC: NOK 128.09 (120.48)

SpareBank 1 SMN is a regional independent financial services group. Closeness and capability are the hallmarks of our relationship to the market. We are present across municipalities in Trøndelag, Møre og Romsdal, and Vestland.

A one-stop provider to households and firms in the fields of financing, savings and investment, insurance and payment services, we are the region's largest private contributor to business development and non-profit causes through our donation work.

We have several subsidiaries: 

  • EiendomsMegler 1 Midt-Norge
  • SpareBank 1 Finans Midt-Norge
  • SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset SMN



As a regional bank, sustainability and social responsibility is an important focus area for us - locally, nationally and globally. 

We follow the UN principles for sustainability and our strategy for sustainability is built on our values, with responsible being the most important.