
This is where you will find information about funding in SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge.

Funding strategy

SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge issues senior debt, subordinated debt and hybrid capital. These are issued both as public-sector loans and private placements. The bank shall comply with the regulatory minimum requirements for prudent liquidity management at all times.

Lending programmes and prospectuses

A loan agreement governs the issuer’s obligations in connection with the issuance of a new loan in the market. This document regulates the conditions of the loan and the rights and responsibilities of the issuer and investor. The loan agreement may be obtained from the Trustee or the issuer.

SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge, SpareBank 1 Østlandet and SpareBank 1 SMN are part of an international loan program: Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN). This simplifies the banks’ raising of capital in international markets, as standardized agreements are used for this type of borrowing.

EMTN prospectus 2023 (pdf)
Supplement September 2022 (pdf)

SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt

SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt is a a wholly owned subsidiary of the banks in the SpareBank 1 alliance, issuing both covered bonds and senior debt.

Outstanding loans under the EMTN program

Name Isin Due date Loan agreement
NONGNO 1.82 05/15/2025 XS2491552761 15.05.2025 Loan Agreement (pdf)
NONGNO 2.16 12/03/2035 XS132420718


Loan Agreement (pdf)

NONGNO 1.7 01/26/2032


26.01.2032 Loan Agreement (pdf)

NONGNO 1.9 01/28/2031

XS1353176164 28.01.2031 Loan Agreement (pdf)

NONGNO 1.15 12/10/2027

XS1675807934 10.12.2027 Loan Agreement (pdf)

NONGNO 1.615 11/02/2032


02.11.2032 Loan Agreement (pdf)
NONGNO 0.73 11/28/2024


28.11.2024 Loan Agreement (pdf)
NONGNO 0.42 12/19/2022 XS1738986659 19.12.2022 Loan Agreement (pdf)
NONGNO 1.508 01/17/2033 XS1749438260


Loan Agreement (pdf)

NONGNO 0.6 01/31/2023


31.02.2023 Loan Agreement (pdf)
NONGNO 0 02/27/2023


27.02.2023 Loan Agreement (pdf)
NONGNO 0.54 03/15/2023 XS1888997068 15.03.2023 Loan Agreement (pdf)
NONGNO 1.58 03/13/2024 XS1961820047 13.03.2034 Loan Agreement (pdf)
NONGNO 0 09/27/2024


27.09.2024 Loan Agreement (pdf)
NONGNO 0 10/20/2022 XS2245512079 20.10.2022 Loan Agreement (pdf)
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