Second quarter 2024

  • Pre-tax profit NOK 1,296m (1,045m)
  • Net profit NOK 1,015m (923m)
  • Return on equity 15.4% (15.1%)
  • CET1 ratio 18.5% (19.1%)
  • Growth in group lending 1.5% (8.5%) in the second quarter
  • Lending to the bank’s retail customers rose 1.6% in the quarter (9.8%), 1.0 percentage point higher growth than in the previous quarter. Lending to the bank’s corporate clients rose 1.6% (6.8%) which was 0.1 percentage point higher growth than in the previous quarter
  • Growth in deposits was 3.9% (13.5%) in the second quarter
  • Deposits from retail customers rose 5.4% (15.1%), 3.8 percentage points higher growth than in the first quarter. Deposits from corporate clients climbed 6.3% (13.4%), 3.8 percentage points higher growth than in the previous quarter
  • The net result of ownership interests was NOK 148m (85m)
  • The net result of financial instruments (incl. dividends) was NOK 5m (2m)
  • Losses on loans and guarantees: NOK 47m (29m)
  • Earnings per equity certificate (EC): NOK 4.43 (4.21)
  • Book value per EC was NOK 117.31 (112.81) and the price of the bank’s EC (MING) was NOK 151.12 (141.00)

Equity certificate

Ticker: MING





Financial calendar

See the whole financial calendar



Moody's: Aa3





Annual report

SpareBank 1 SMN intends to be a digital bank with a personal and local signature. 

Latest annual report



We aim to contribute to society’s value creation through responsible banking operations that instil public confidence in the entire corporation.

Investor and media contacts

Trond Søraas
Executive Director, Finance
+47 922 36 803
Rolf Jarle Brøske
Executive Vice President
+47 911 12 475
Trond Barikmo
Investor Relations
+47 934 30 399
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