Equity certificates are the equity instruments of savings banks, and they constitute an important share of the capital base of many savings banks in Norway. On this page, you will find more information about equity certificates in general.
Main characteristics of equity certificates
Developed by the savings banks
Clear similarities to regular shares
Financial instruments that can be traded on Oslo Stock Exchange
Confer ownership rights to the banks’ equity certificate capital
Give proportional stake in the bank’s profits
Limited influence in the bank’s governing bodies compared to shares
The primary capital provides greater loss protection for equity certificates than shares
Many Norwegian savings banks have equity certificates that are listed on the stock exchange.
"CHECKBOX_GROUP_ERROR": "Choose one of the options",
"SSN_ERROR": "",
"MOBILE_PHONE_NO_ERROR": "Skriv inn et gyldig norsk mobilnummer (8 siffer)",
"MORE_INFO": "",
"VIEW_IN_MAP": "View in map",
"AFTER_COUNT_TEXT": "oppgave som venter på deg",
"AFTER_COUNT_TEXT_PLURAL": "oppgaver som venter på deg",
"MINE_OPPGAVER_LINK_TEXT": "Sjekk mine oppgaver",
"FORM_SUCCESS_LABEL":"Thank you for your inquiry
"TEXTAREA_FIELD_LENGTH_ERROR":"Max 2000 characters",
"NUMBER_ERROR": "Du kan kun skrive inn tall.",
"MODAL_CLOSE": "Close",
"SEND_TO_BANK_BEFORE_INFO_TEXT": "Would you like to be sent directly to",
"SEND_TO_BANK_AFTER_INFO_TEXT": "the next time?",
"SEND_TO_BANK_NEXT_DISCLAMER_TEXT": "For at du skal slippe å velge bank hver gang, bruker vi funksjonelle informasjonskapsler som lagrer hvordan du bruker nettsidene og hvilke innstillinger du har gjort."