Board of Directors

The Board of Directors manages the operations of the bank. The Board of Directors are responsible for the safe and prudent management of all the funds controlled by the bank.

Siri J. Strømmevold (1961)

Board Chair


Board member since 2006. Board Chair since 2012. Member of the bank’s remuneration committee. Former member of the bank’s audit and risk committees.

Education: Engineering with Computer Science at Kongsberg Ingeniørhøgskole, Electronics at Telemark Ingeniørhøgskole, Business economist at NKS.

Position: Managing Director, Tynset bokhandel as.

Other current Board positions: Board member, Feste NordØst As.

Previous experience includes:

  • Head of planning, Saga Petroleum
  • Department Engineer, Statoil
  • Automation Engineer, Mobil Exploration Norway Inc.
  • Board Chair, Den norske bokhandlerforening and Fri bokhandel BA 

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 4,645

Nina Cecilie Strøm Swensson (1972)

Deputy Chairman

Member of the Board since 2010. Deputy Board Chair since 2016. Leader of the bank’s audit committee and member of the risk committee.

Education: MSc in Economics and Business Administration (‘siviløkonom’) at Norges Handelshøyskole, Bergen (NHH).

Position: CFO, Kirkens Bymisjon.

Previous experience includes:

  • CFO, Sykehuset Innlandet HF
  • Finance manager, Sykehuset Innlandet HF
  • Head of accounting, Oppland Sentralsykehus
  • Accounting associate, PriceWaterhouseCoopers DA

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 4,132

Alexander Sandberg Lund (1969)

Board member

Member of the Board since 2019. Member of the bank’s audit committee and member of the risk committee.

Education: Cand. jur., University of Oslo. Morehead State University, USA.

Position: Partner/Lawyer at Advokatfirmaet CLP.

Other current Board positions: Chairman of Advokatfirmaet CLP.

Previous experience includes:

  • Partner, Wikborg Rein, Oslo
  • Trainee Lawyer/Lawyer, Wikborg Rein, Oslo
  • Deputy Judge, Trondenes District Court Judge’s Office

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 4,286

Idun Kristine Fridtun (1963)

Board member

Member of the Board since 2022.

Education: Economy and management at Hedmark distriktshøgskole (Høgskolen i Innlandet) and at Handelshøyskolen BI.

Position: Chief Financial Officer at Hexagon Ragasco, Raufoss.

Other current Board positions: Board Chair, NHO Innlandet.

Previous experience:
She has previously held a similar position as today in the following companies:

  • Norske Skog
  • Langmoen Parkett
  • Kährs
  • Mustad Autoline

Fridtun has previously also been board member in Eidsiva (2008-2012).

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 450

Tore Anstein Dobloug (1962)

Board member

Member of the Board since 2019. Leader of the bank’s risk committee and member of the audit committee.

Education: Cand. polit. from the University of Oslo. PhD in Economic Geography from Lund University.

Position: Director of Sparebankstiftelsen Hedmark.

Previous experience includes:  

  • Head of Banking and CFO at Sparebanken Hedmark
  • CFO at Hedmark Energi
  • Director of Energy Future Invest 

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 0

Jørn-Henning Eggum (1972)

Board member

Member of the Board since 2021.

Education: Craft certificate as a goldsmith, management/organisation at AOF.

Position: President, Fellesforbundet (Norwegian United Federation of Trade Unions).

Other current Board positions: Board member of LO Media.

Previous experience includes:

  • National secretary, Fellesforbundet (Norwegian United Federation of Trade Unions)

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 0

Geir Stenseth (1965)

Board member

Member of the Board since 2024.

Education: Cand. Jur. and Dr. Juris, University of Oslo

Position: Professor of Law, University of Oslo
(Part-Time: Professor of Law, University of Inland Norway)

Other current Board positions: Board Chair, Emht Invest AS

Previous experience includes:

  • Board Chair, Totens Sparebank
  • Attorney-at-law
  • Visiting Fulbright Scholar, UC Berkeley School of Law
  • Deputy Judge, District Court of Valdres
  • Ministry of Justice, Department of Legislation 
  • Appointment as Judge Advocate

Holdings of equity capital certificates per November 4, 2024: 1967
(close associates included: 4540)

Sjur Smedstad (1966)

Board member

Member of the Board since 2022. Union representative.

Education: Various courses at BI Norwegian Business School; Life and Pension Insurance for Insurance Advisors, Non-life Insurance for Insurance Advisors, Personal Finance with Law and Relationship Marketing. Organization and management at Christiania University College.

Position: Chief employee representative in the Finance Sector Union of Norway in SpareBank 1 Østlandet.

Other current Board positions:

  • Board member in the Finance Sector Union of Norway
  • Deputy board member of the Confederation of Vocational Unions (YS)

Previous experience includes:

  • Insurance advisor, Gjensidige
  • Insurance advisor, corporate market, SpareBank 1 Østlandet
  • Various positions in regional branches of Finansforbundet, sports teams and more.

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 1,181

Catherine Norland (1972)

Board member

Member of the Board since 2022. Employee representative.

Education: Bachelor of Management from BI Norwegian Business School. Also has education in tourism.

Position: Chief employee representative in LO Finance Østlandet.

Other current Board positions:

  • Board member LO Finance, Norwegian Union of Commerce and Office Employees (HK)
  • Member of the national board, LO Finance, Norwegian Union of Commerce and Office Employees (HK)

Previous experience includes:

  • Deputy Chairman, LO Finance Østlandet
  • Business advisor, SpareBank 1 Oslo Akershus                                 
  • Credit advisor, SpareBank 1 Oslo Akershus                  

Holdings of equity capital certificates per 1 July 2024: 369

Overview of Board meetings
and committees

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